Extracting Personal Preferences for Architectural Attributes: Examining the Reliability of Several Direct and Indirect Questioning Methods


  • Seyed Farhad Tayyebi
  • Yüksel Demir




architectural attributes, building preferences, attribute satisfaction, ormal appreciation, building aesthetics


The personal satisfaction with the formal attributes of buildings has an underlying essence and needs some exploratory attempts to secure a reliable set of individual attribute satisfactions. This paper aims to discover reliable methods for extracting the personal preferences for the formal attributes by examining the accuracy of several questioning methods. Focusing on building facades, the attributes are defined at first to cover a wide range of architectural forms. The study then introduces eight methods of extracting personal preferences: four attribute-based methods directly ask participants for their attribute preferences, and four building-based methods extract each attribute satisfaction from the analysis of appreciation of architectural forms. A survey then extracts individuals’ satisfaction with the attributes via each method; the outcomes of each questioning method are examined by applying them into preference prediction of another set of building images integrated into the survey. The analysis shows that the most accurate results are achieved when participants directly express their opinions about the attributes illustrated in a building’s image. Among the building-based methods, considering all the visible attributes in the analysis of the building preferences can reveal the second-most accurate data. Finally, although the combination of both methods enhanced the result’s accuracy, the former method is more efficacious while a lower number of attributes are considered and knowledgeable people are addressed; otherwise, the latter method is practically more valid for laypeople and scalable to a large number of people.


Article received: May 28, 2020; Article accepted: July 11, 2020; Published online: September 15, 2020; Original scholarly paper


Author Biographies

Seyed Farhad Tayyebi

Seyed Farhad Tayyebi, studies architectural engineering (2004–2009) and M.Sc. in Architecture (2011–2013). He is studying his Ph.D. in architectural design since 2013 and currently doing research as a Ph.D. Candidate in the field of Architectural Design at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He is currently finalizing his dissertation on the correlation between architecture and music. During his dissertation progress and personal investigations, he has been working on various aspects of architectural forms including, architectural composition and architectural forms evolutions through history, building attributes, visual qualities, and architectural form appraisals.


Yüksel Demir

Yüksel Demir, studied Architecture in Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture (1983–1987), got his master (1990) and Ph.D. (2000) degrees from ITU Institute of Science & Technology Architectural Design Program. Practiced architecture (1987–1989). Worked as a teaching assistant since 1989, and served as the head of the department of Fine Arts in ITU (2007–2016). He is currently working as a Professor in ITU Department of Architecture. Under his administration, the department opened elective art courses for all engineering students of ITU. He took part in the development process of an interdisciplinary first-year basic design studio in ITU department of Architecture (2000–2004). Demir worked in Politecnico Di Milano DIAP (now DASTU) as a guest professor (2010–2015) and was a visiting professor at Anadolu University, Department of Architecture (2009–2013), and Auburn University CADC (2016 Fall & 2017 Fall).


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i22.381 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i22.381




How to Cite

Tayyebi, S. F., & Demir, Y. (2020). Extracting Personal Preferences for Architectural Attributes: Examining the Reliability of Several Direct and Indirect Questioning Methods. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (22), 111–134. https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i22.381