Političnost fikcije kroz destabilizaciju jezika / Politicality of Fiction through Destabilization of Language

Iva Simčić


  • Iva Simčić




fiction, language, system of representation, meaning, signifier, signified, political


Continuous dialogues between readers and fiction works (art) create new and unstable understandings and perceptions of reality. Nevertheless, those cognitions are always determined by language/discourse, encoded by preexisting fixed meanings and our knowledge. This paper theorizes a possibility of fiction – which always reflects, reproduces and refers to provisional reality perceptions – to destabilize language/discourse and subsequently question and challenge the stability of reality sustained by it.

Author Biography

Iva Simčić

Iva Simčić
Group for Theory of Arts and Media, University of Arts, Belgrade

Ph.D. student


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How to Cite

Simčić, I. (2012). Političnost fikcije kroz destabilizaciju jezika / Politicality of Fiction through Destabilization of Language: Iva Simčić. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (2), 70–73. https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i2.24