Postmedijski svet umetnosti: od optičkog nesvesnog do teorije afekta / Postmedia Art World: From an Optical Unconscious toward Theory of Affect


  • Bojana Matejić



perception, optical unconscious, formless, post-media, affect


The thesis of this paper implies two assumptions: Although the term visual culture theory has been often used as a synonym for domain of new visual studies in the wider literature today, it is unusually important to consider and underscore the limits of their methodological approach. While the visual culture theory is based on the application of visual cultural representation theory’s methods – the theory of ideology, discursive analysis, critical theory, semiology, sign theory, art history, anthropology, etc., the plane of new visual studies examines the problems of change aspects of the human perception, visual observation and ontology of the (new) media in relation to transformation of the nature of (new) technologies. Such approach relies in part on contemporary researches and hypotheses in the field of natural sciences (biology, physiology, neuro-science, optics, etc.) The conceptualization of the optical unconscious to/beyond formless indicates Krauss’s theoretical shift towards the new visual studies, where the notion affect occupies a key place. Accordingly, this text presents polemical critique of pure perception in relation to the discourse of post/(new)-media art world.

Author Biography

Bojana Matejić

Group for Theory of Arts and Media, University of Arts, Belgrade

Ph.D. student


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How to Cite

Matejić, B. (2013). Postmedijski svet umetnosti: od optičkog nesvesnog do teorije afekta / Postmedia Art World: From an Optical Unconscious toward Theory of Affect. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (4), 44–55.