Call for Guest Editor for AM Journal of Art and Media Studies for October 2026, Issue No. 41


The Editorial Board of the AM Journal of Art and Media Studies calls for Guest Editor of the special issue No. 41, published in October 2026, dedicated to experimental poetry and artist's book, as the topic of the Creative Europe Programme Project “Anthologies of Cooperation: Encounters in/through Artist's Book and Experimental Poetry”, within which this special issue of the Journal will be published.

The Guest Editor must hold a PhD, and their responsibility will be to write a Call for Papers for the issue, 300-600 words long, which will be posted on the Journal’s website by the end of May 2025.

All potential applicants are welcome to send their applications to the Editorial Board of the AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, including a short professional CV of no more than 100 words via e-mail

The Call is open until April 30, 2025.