Aesthetics of Resistance: On the Politics of Aesthetic Thought in Hegel’s Theory of Art and Peter Weiss’ Novel The Aesthetics of Resistance


  • Franziska Wildt



aesthetics, Hegel, Peter Weiss, The Aesthetics of Resistance, aestheticization, critical theory, art


hrough a confrontation of Hegel’s Lectures On Aesthetics and Peter Weiss’ novel The Aesthetics of Resistance this paper criticizes the theory of aesthetics for its lack of aesthetic thinking. Hegel’s theory of aesthetics is introduced as a paradigmatic case of this problem, while The Aesthetics of Resistance is read as an attempt to “re-aestheticize” the thought of aesthetics. Following a brief introduction and contextualization of the problem within the theoretical discourse on “aestheticization”, Hegel’s theory is analyzed and then contrasted to The Aesthetics of Resistance. The analysis is carried out in three steps, which correspond to three forms in which Hegel’s lectures represent the movement that leads from the aesthetic form of art to the – in his view – no longer aesthetic form of aesthetics. This analysis is finally confronted with a reading of The Aesthetics of Resistance that reverses the movement delineated by Hegel’s theory through aestheticizing aesthetics.


Article received: April 28, 2020; Article accepted: June 23, 2020; Published online: September 15, 2020; Original scholarly paper

Author Biography

Franziska Wildt

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main,

Franziska Wildt studied Philosophy, Psychology, Comparative Literature, and Visual Arts at Goethe University, Frankfurt; Columbia University, New York; University of the Arts, Berlin; and Städelschule, Frankfurt. She completed her master's degree in philosophy 2019 and is currently working on her dissertation at the Institute for Social Research and at Goethe University, Frankfurt. Since spring 2019 she is also a research assistant at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart, where she is teaching and researching in the fields of aesthetics, art, and philosophy.


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How to Cite

Wildt, F. (2020). Aesthetics of Resistance: On the Politics of Aesthetic Thought in Hegel’s Theory of Art and Peter Weiss’ Novel The Aesthetics of Resistance. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (22), 1–13.



Main Topic: Vertigo Aesthetics: Between Art – Resistance –Technology – Politics