The Regimes of Identification of Art and the Political Reconfiguration of Aesthetics


  • Rodolfo Wenger



aesthetics, aesthetical politics, distribution of the sensible, Jacques Rancière, politics of arts, regimes of art


For the philosopher Jacques Rancière there is no ‘art’ without a specific identification regime that delimits it, makes it visible and makes it intelligible as such. A regime of art defines the specific ways in which a given epoch conceives of the nature and logic of artistic representation, puts certain practices in relation to specific forms of visibility and modes of intelligibility, specifies the ways in which the artistic expressions take place within society, what their functions are within social life in general and in relation to the other social activities in particular.

In this article we briefly resume the contents of the three fundamental regimes of art: the ethical, the poetic or representative, and the aesthetic taking into account that these regimes are not strictly historical, but rather ‘meta-historical’ categories, because although they may determine and define certain periods of ‘art history’, it is also possible to state that two, or even the three regimes, they can coexist in a specific time like ours, for example. To undertake this approach, we will bear in mind that Rancière's philosophical proposal has both historical and political components that aim to reformulate the traditional way of considering the aesthetic conditions of political experience and the political dimension of aesthetics.


Article received: April 30, 2020; Article accepted: June 23, 2020; Published online: September 15, 2020; Review Article


Author Biography

Rodolfo Wenger

Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Atlántico, Barranquilla,

Rodolfo Wenger, is a teacher-researcher at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia. He has developed an interdisciplinary academic career in Aesthetics, Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of Language, Ontology Hermeneutics (Nietzsche, Gadamer, Heidegger), French Contemporary Philosophy (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Rancière), and other areas related to art, political theory and education. Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at the International School of Doctorate of UNED (EIDUNED), Madrid, Spain. Master in Theoretical and Practical Philosophy from UNED, Madrid, Spain. Master in Analysis of International Contemporary Issues at Externado University of Colombia under the auspices of the Institute of Political Studies of Paris, France. Licensed in Philosophy and Letters by Saint Tomas University, Bogotá, Colombia.


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Rancière, Jacques. The Politics of Aesthetics. The Distribution of the Sensible. Translated by Gabriel Rockhill. London, New York: Continuum, 2004.

Rancière, Jacques. Malaise dans l’esthétique. Paris: Galilée, 2004.

Rancière, Jacques. Aisthesis. Scènes du régime esthétique de l’art. Paris: Galilée, 2011.

Rancière, Jacques. “From Politics to Aesthetics.” Paragraph. The Journal of the Modern Critical Theory Group 28, 1 (January 2005): 13–25. DOI:

Rancière, Jacques. “Il faut prendre du temps pour rendre le monde à nouveau visible.” Interview by Hugues Simard. Journal des Grandes Écoles 63 (August 2012): 25–28.





How to Cite

Wenger, R. (2020). The Regimes of Identification of Art and the Political Reconfiguration of Aesthetics. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (22), 35–42.



Main Topic: Vertigo Aesthetics: Between Art – Resistance –Technology – Politics