Tomaž Šalamun, transformer u jeziku: nacrt za pok(e) retnu epistemološku platformu u jezičkom pejzažu sa Vitgenštajnom u pozadini / Tomaž Šalamun, a Transformer in the Language: draft of a mobile epistemological platform inside the linguistic landscape wi


  • Vladimir Đurišić



thing, object, readymade reism, awareness, correlationism, object- oriented ontology, no matter what, intertext, infotext


This paper deals with the transformations of Šalamun’s oeuvre in relation to the developments of philosophical platforms which he had been exposed to in the course of his creative life. They range from the first and second Wittgenstein, over French post-structuralism to object-oriented ontology and speculative realism. This exposure of course does not imply direct copying and reflections of the theory and philosophy on the one hand, and poetry on the other, but wishes to emphasize the comparative actions of all levels of the epistemological, linguistic, logical and political games that affect textual practices and their interchange. The transformation of Šalamun’s text is based on his outset from the reistic platform, and then directly registers the transformations of the folds and fractures within and between the epistemological platforms of which he was the contemporary, and with which he consequently interacted. In the second part of the paper, I bring forward propositions which may clarify
the methods of construction and contemplation of Šalamun’s poetry, a glossary for a better understanding of his linguistic strategy and object-oriented ontology, as well as a possibility for the application of this ontology in politics and ethics. This rounds out his oeuvre in the direction of understanding the upshot of his style through his latest books, conclusively with his posthumously published book Andes (2016).

Author Biography

Vladimir Đurišić

Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade


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How to Cite

Đurišić, V. (2016). Tomaž Šalamun, transformer u jeziku: nacrt za pok(e) retnu epistemološku platformu u jezičkom pejzažu sa Vitgenštajnom u pozadini / Tomaž Šalamun, a Transformer in the Language: draft of a mobile epistemological platform inside the linguistic landscape wi. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (11), 37–49.