“The Biennale of Dissent 1977” and Italian Architecture during the 1970s


  • Luca Guido




Venice Biennale, Soviet dissidence, Italian architecture, Italian Communist Party, Italian Socialist Party


In 1977, “The Biennale of Dissent” was a significant event in the history of the anti-Soviet dissidence. In Italy during the 1970s intellectuals, artists and architects had many connections with Marxist theories and the Soviet Union, but their role, referred to in this event, appears complex and, on occasions, contradictory. The Italian cultural world mirrored a political situation, in which it became a duty to take up a position which opposed Italy’s Fascist past. Artistic and political opinions coincided. For this reason, in Italy the culture of dissidence led to a heated debate. One generation of architects was born in this context and few were able to think outside the box. The interpretation proposed for Italian architecture and the masters of the time should prompt a consideration of the current absence of Italian critics and architects in international debates.

Author Biography

Luca Guido

College of Architecture, The University of Oklahoma
United States

Luca Guido (1981) is a licensed architect, critic and historian of contemporary architecture. Currently he is Bruce Goff Visiting Professor and Chair of Creative Architecture at the University of Oklahoma. He wrote for several architectural magazines. His books include Surfing Complexity (2011), which focuses on his collaboration in professional practice. Dr. Guido’s dissertation titled Building the American Landscape examined the relationship between city, architecture and landscape in the US from T. Jefferson to F. L. Wright. He also studies developments in Italian architecture during post WWII years.


ASAC-Fondo Storico. “La Biennale di Venezia.” visual arts series [Biennale archives].

Adamson, Glenn, and Jane Pavitt, ed. Postmodern, Style and Subversion, 1970−1990. London: V&A Publishing, 2011.

Aymonino, Carlo. Origini e sviluppo della città moderna. Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 1971.

Argan, Giulio Carlo. “E’ una Biennale o un mercato?.” L’Espresso, February 27, 1977.

Guttuso, Renato. “Biennale e ‘dissenso’: i problemi, i pretesti.” L’Unità, March 17, 1977.

Mecucci, Gabriella, and Carlo Ripa di Meana. L’ordine di Mosca, Fermate la Biennale del Dissenso. Roma: Fondazione Liberal, 2007.

Nono, Luigi. “Si chiude tra le polemiche la biennale del dissenso. Nono risponde ad André Volkonsky ma non al cantautore Wolf Biermann.” Il Gazzettino, December 15, 1977.




How to Cite

Guido, L. (2017). “The Biennale of Dissent 1977” and Italian Architecture during the 1970s. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (12), 17–28. https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i12.164