Ideologija prostora i vremena i prostor-vreme muzeja / Ideology of Space and Time and Space-Time of Museum

Ana Sladojević


  • Ana Sladojević



museum, space, time, ideology, heterotopia


In this paper I postulate that museum, as the image of the world, functions according to principles formed around ideological constructs of time and space. I problematize terms of heterotopias and multiple chronotope, used in museum context, interpreting them as ideological, derived from the Western epistemological frame. Although conclusions in this paper can be applied to museum as such, focus is primarily upon museums that represent the so called non-European objects or topics. The approach is interdisciplinary, interrelating cultural studies, postcolonial theory, museum studies and African studies.

Author Biography

Ana Sladojević

Ana Sladojević
Central Institute for Conservation, Belgrade


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How to Cite

Sladojević, A. (2012). Ideologija prostora i vremena i prostor-vreme muzeja / Ideology of Space and Time and Space-Time of Museum: Ana Sladojević. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (2), 83–89.