Between Impure and Pure: The Sketch for a History of Blotch


  • Milovan Novaković



blotch, tzaraath, macchia, tache, pictorial impurity/purity, materiality/opticality, formalism, all-over painting


Throughout the history of Western painting the blotch often exposed its capacity to operate in seemingly opposite directions, to be simultaneously engaged in engendering material impurity and optical purity. While in earlier instances it mostly obtruded on the picture's integrity, with the rise of non-mimetic painting blotch became the main vehicle of purity and cohesion. However, its unstable and versatile nature is revealed in a vetero-testamentary passage, where the purity or impurity of blotch is measured according to whether it invades the whole or just a part of the infected surface. In this brief sketch, the bipolarity of painterly macchia is described by pointing to its predominantly blemishing function from the Renaissance to 18th century; to growing acceptance of its material and formless impurity, and its consequent purification during the formation of pictorial formalism; and finally, to its revived uncleanness in the artistic interventions of Marcel Duchamp and Andy Warhol. The survey ends with the conclusion that the being of blotch resides in its itinerant, ever-shifting character, and that our experience of it as pure or impure depends on its quantity and pervasiveness.


Article received: April 25, 2021; Article accepted: June 21, 2021; Published online: September 15, 2021; Original scholarly paper


Author Biography

Milovan Novaković

Milovan Novaković
Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade

Milovan Novaković (1990) lives in Podgorica, Montenegro. He received the bachelor degree in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Cetinje. The master's degree he obtained in Transdisciplinary Humanities and Theory of Art at the Faculty of Media and Communication, Belgrade, where he is the Ph.D. candidate in Transdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Art and Media. Recently he published the book Pneumatsko slikarstvo: disanje Anrija Matisa (Beograd: Orion Art, 2019) as well as translation of D. H. Lawrence's Studies in Classic American Literature (Podgorica: Arto, 2019).


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How to Cite

Novaković, M. (2021). Between Impure and Pure: The Sketch for a History of Blotch. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (25), 173–183.