Ten (Anti-) Theses for a Brazilian Popular Musical Aesthetic


  • Henry Burnett




Brazilian music, popular music aesthetics, music criticism, popular, song


This article points out some elements that can help to understand the difficulty of analyzing popular music in Brazil with the forms of analysis commonly used by classical aesthetics and philosophy of music. In addition, it indicates some possible paths for the development of a critique of national musical material. To this end, this article retrieves some fundamental questions about the history of popular music in Brazil: its triple origin (African, European and Amerindian), the influence of capitalism in the first decades of the twentieth century, the concept of ‘popular’, its connection with early lyric poetry and its multiple forms of expression.

Article received: April 20, 2021; Article accepted: June 23, 2021; Published online: October 15, 2021; Review paper

How to cite this article: Burnett, Henry. "Ten (Anti-) Theses for a Brazilian Popular Musical Aesthetic." AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 26 (October 2021): 53-61. doi: 10.25038/am.v0i26.469


Author Biography

Henry Burnett

Department of Philosophy, Federal University of São Paulo

Henry Burnett was born in Belém do Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon. He is a singer, songwriter and professor in the Philosophy Department at the Federal University of São Paulo since 2016. Graduated in Philosophy from UFPA (Belém, 1997). Master and Doctorate in Philosophy from UNICAMP (Campinas, 2000 and 2004) – with research internship at the University of Leipzig (Germany, 2003–4). Postdoctoral fellow at USP (São Paulo, 2006), research internship at CESEM – Center for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics – Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon 2013–2014) and postdoctoral fellow at Universität Leipzig (2015–2016). Works in the areas of Aesthetics and Cultural History and Fundamentals and Criticism of the Arts. He published Cinco Prefácios Para Cinco Livros Escritos: Uma Autobiografia Filosófica de Nietzsche (Belo Horizonte, Tessitura Editora, 2008); Nietzsche, Adorno e um pouquinho de Brasil (São Paulo, Unifesp, 2011); Para ler O Nascimento da Tragédia de Nietzsche" (São Paulo, Loyola, 2012) e Para ler O Caso Wagner de Nietzsche (São Paulo, Loyola, 2018), in addition to seven author albums and a DVD. He is a member of the Red Iberoamericana de Estudios Nietzscheanos (RIEN). He is currently a member of the permanent faculty of PPG in Philosophy at UNIFESP and PPGFIL at UFPA. He is currently a researcher at CNPq.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i26.469 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i26.469




How to Cite

Burnett, H. (2021). Ten (Anti-) Theses for a Brazilian Popular Musical Aesthetic. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (26), 53–61. https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i26.469