Perspectives for a Metaphorology of Anthropophagy: Blumenberg, Montaigne and Oswald de Andrade


  • Patricia Lavelle



metaphorologie, antropophagie, Brasilien modernism, Blumenberg, Montaigne


When one examines modernist anthropophagy from the perspective of a new theoretical-methodological instrument – Hans Blumenberg’s metaphorology – one notices that the very object of literary and critical study is reconfigured. Understood as a theoretical metaphor, anthropophagy appears as a complex intertextual network interacting with the social and aesthetic debates of its time; it is also widened and historically transformed, crossing over different discussions. After all, this new metaphorical object exceeds the modernist moment, suggesting the need for a future, more exhaustive study, one that would include anthropophagy’s revisiting after modernism, arriving even at its contemporary usage, as in Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. On the other hand, a critical reading of the anthropophagy metaphor enlightens significant aspects of this theoretical methodological tool, establishing bridges between metaphorology and anthropology.

Article received: April 22, 2021; Article accepted: June 23, 2021; Published online: October 15, 2021; Original scholarly article

How to cite this article: Lavelle, Patricia. "Perspectives for a Metaphorology of Anthropophagy: Blumenberg, Montaigne and Oswald de Andrade." AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 26 (October 2021): 89-100. doi: 10.25038/am.v0i26.473

Author Biography

Patricia Lavelle

Patricia Lavelle
Department of Literature, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Lavelle, P. (2021). Perspectives for a Metaphorology of Anthropophagy: Blumenberg, Montaigne and Oswald de Andrade. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (26), 89–100.