Contemporary Art and Politics in Exhibitions by Halil Altindere and Ei Arakawa
contemporary art, techno images, globalization, reproduction, art installations, internet, networkingAbstract
The issue of contemporary art in the last three decades and the possibility of developing, acting, replicating, experimenting, storing and reactivating art through new technologies has encouraged theoreticians to re-evaluate the capabilities and capacities of the art itself. I think that only art today analyses how our reality is constructed through media channels. For the analysis, I will use the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art 2016 “The Present in Drag”. Today we are living in a world of image implosion. Since the world is rapidly changing with techno-images and virtual space, today art generally has not to explain anything, but it can, with the help of projects and concepts, create its own world and form our presence in it. Nowadays, subjectivity has become a technical construction, and the current myth of the possibility of creating live images through technical reproduction in combination with new media has become both a theoretical and practical possibility. With this work and with several examples from contemporary art I will show that artists who deal with current political problems present the situation better than mainstream global news carriers.
Article received: March 24, 2018; Article accepted: April 10, 2018; Published online: September 15, 2018; Preliminary report – Short Communications
How to cite this article: Riboškić Jovanović, Marija. "Contemporary Art and Politics in Exhibitions by Halil Altindere and Ei Arakawa." AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 16 (2018): 113−122. doi: 10.25038/am.v0i16.258
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AM Journal of Art and Media Studies ISSN 2217-9666 - printed, ISSN 2406-1654 - online, UDK 7.01:316.774
Publisher: Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia
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