Channeling the Country’s Image: Illustrated Magazine Yugoslavia (1949–1959)


  • Srđan Radović



Jugoslavija/Yugoslavia (An Illustrated Magazine), 1949 to 1959, Yugoslavia, Yugoslav identity, modernity and diversity


This paper briefly reviews and discusses the contents of the illustrated magazine Jugoslavija (Yugoslavia), published from 1949 to 1959, and edited by prolific Yugoslav intellectual and artist Oto Bihalji-Merin. This edition is critically examined as a means of creating an image of Yugoslavia in the years of momentous political and social changes in Yugoslav society, and during the height of the Cold War and country’s realignment in international relations. Serving also as a cultural window to the outside world, Jugoslavija promulgated concepts of a specific Yugoslav modernity, ethnic and national diversity, and a ‘third position’ on the global political and cultural map of the 1950s.

Author Biography

Srđan Radović

Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade

Srđan Radović (1976), is an ethnologist and anthropologist, research associate of the Institute of Ethnography of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade. Srđan received his BA, MA. Phil and Ph.D. from the Department for Ethnology and Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy (University of Belgrade). Other credits include: visiting lecturer and fellow at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (2014), Riga Stradins University (2015), and Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade (2017). One of the founders and a researcher of the Center for Yugoslav Studies/CEJUS (2016). He authored three books and over twenty scholarly papers, and edited one themed volume, and is editor of the scholarly journal Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, and a member of three other editorial boards. His research interests include memory culture, heritage studies, politics of public space and urban research in general.


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How to Cite

Radović, S. (2017). Channeling the Country’s Image: Illustrated Magazine Yugoslavia (1949–1959). AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (13), 17–30.