Queering Distances and Disoriented Dancing Bodies: Matija Ferlin’s Relational Performances Sad Sam Revisited and The Other for One


  • Leo Rafolt Academy of Arts and Culture, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Zagreb




disorientation; queering; dance; embodiment; trauma.


The paper argues spatial parameters in defining queer identity, especially in Anglo-American critical discourse, eager to employ it as a strategy for queer performance, or notable, modern, or contemporary dance hermeneutics. Leaning on traditional queer researchers, e.g., Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, and José Esteban Muñoz, to name just a few of them, as well as on materialist concepts of the body, affects, the human touch, etc., a deep analysis of two Matija Ferlin’s performance projects is offered, precisely from a perspective of queer resistance to dominant heteronormative paradigms of -’orientation’-, -’identification-’, and ’affectuality’.

Author Biography

Leo Rafolt, Academy of Arts and Culture, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Zagreb

Leo Rafolt was born in 1979 in Zagreb, where he graduated in Comparative Literature and Croatian Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, and received his PhD in theatre and performance studies. He worked at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb until 2017, and currently he teaches performance studies, cultural theory, and theoretical dramaturgy, as a full professor, at the Academy of Arts and Culture of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. He has been a guest professor at many European, American, and Asian universities. On several occasions he had fellowships in France, Hungary, Poland, Italy, the USA, the UK, Slovenia, Norway, Finland, and Japan. He has written more than a hundred articles for encyclopedic and lexical editions and has edited several collections of works (Odbrojavanje: antologija suvremene hrvatske drame, 2007; Miljenko Majetić, Između Hekube i Rabbija: dramatološki, teatrološki i ini spisi, 2017; Public Sphere between Theory, Media, and Artistic Intervention, 2019; Joseph Texte, Jean-Jacques Rousseau i ishodišta književnog kozmopolitizma, 2019; Jean-Luc, Jeener, Kazalište na samrti, 2019, Mika Hannula, Juha Suoranta, Tere Vadén, Umjetničko istraživanje: teorije, metode i prakse, 2021; Dubravko Mataković, 2022). In addition, he is the author of a number of scientific papers, essays, reviews, critiques, as well as the following books: Melpomenine maske: fenomenologija žanra tragedije u dubrovačkom ranonovovjekovlju (2007), Drugo lice drugosti: književnoantropološke studije (2009), Priučen na tumačenje: deset čitanja (2011), Odbačeni predmet: između filologije i izvedbe (2017)Tijelo kao glagol: japanski budo, transkulturalne tehnike i trening za izvedbu (2019), Preskočene niti (2022), Montažstroj’s Emancipatory Performance Politics: Never Mind the Score (2022), Tijelo nacije: uvod u japanski budo (2023, M/F x Staging an/Archive (2024). 


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How to Cite

Rafolt, L. (2024). Queering Distances and Disoriented Dancing Bodies: Matija Ferlin’s Relational Performances Sad Sam Revisited and The Other for One. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (33), 117–138. https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i28.587