

  • Carolina Alfradique Leite Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie (LLCP) at Université Vincennes-Saint-Denis (PARIS VIII), France



Author Biography

Carolina Alfradique Leite, Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie (LLCP) at Université Vincennes-Saint-Denis (PARIS VIII), France

Carolina Alfradique Leite is a curator and researcher affiliated with the Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie (LLCP) at Université Vincennes-Saint-Denis (PARIS VIII). She is a founding member of the French art association Matière Revue (winner of the Les collectifs d'artistes prize from the Institut Français and recipient of a scholarship from the Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Le Fresnoy) and the transnational art and ecology collective [meta]estratos. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Theater Theory from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), a Master's degree in Philosophy from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), a Master's degree in Film Studies from Université Paris Diderot (PARIS VII), and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Université Vincennes-Saint-Denis (PARIS VIII). Throughout her interdisciplinary education, she has focused on researching the (hetero)genesis of contemporary art, addressing issues such as the inscription of time in artistic forms; the relationship between mnemonic act, image, and color; the implications of the transparency/opaqueness dyad in the conception of modern/contemporary image; and the (re)definition of the concept of work in experimental artistic practices of the 1960s/70s. Currently, she is a postdoctoral fellow at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO).




How to Cite

Alfradique Leite, C. (2024). [meta]estratos. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (33), 66–74. https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i28.594