Arhitektura kao novi medij / Architecture as New Media


  • Maja Todorović



digital architecture, new-media technologies, cyberspace, virtuality, interactivity


New approaches to architectural design and perception of architectural space have been developed as a result of the integration of digital media and architecture. Domination of digital images and virtual sphere of cyberspace have significantly affected the position and the meaning of architecture within the cultural context of mediated communication. The main concept of this study is the liberation of an architectural structure from the images and the representation which can be applied to digital architecture. A possible solution of this task can be found in the concept of interactivity, as a basic feature of the new media technologies, and in biotechnology which incorporates patterns of evolutionary processes taken from nature in the field of architectural building.

Author Biography

Maja Todorović

Group for Theory of Arts and Media, University of Arts, Belgrade

Ph.D. student


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How to Cite

Todorović, M. (2013). Arhitektura kao novi medij / Architecture as New Media. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (4), 92–101.