Paradoks postljudskog tela u polju zazora: od potvrde falogocentričnog Simboličkog do obećanja trangresivnog prestupa i nazad / Paradox of Posthuman Body in the Field of Abject: from Confirmation of Phalogocentric Symbolic to Promise of Transgressive Tres

Dragana Stojanović


  • Dragana Stojanović



posthuman, abject, subject, trangression, symbolization, paradox


Posthuman body, being designed as organic-machine union or non-human/posthuman organic entity, functions as an abject, treatening and eroding humanly constructed subject as its unnameable remainder of its semiotic past, but at the same time guaranteeing subject’s (imagined) autonomy by being exactly opposite to subject — that what subject can not and must not be. This paper theorizes the paradox of abject posthuman body, by exploring its transgressible potential loked both inside and outside Symbolic realm.


Author Biography

Dragana Stojanović

Dragana Stojanović
Group for Theory of Arts and Media, University of Arts, Belgrade

Ph.D. studen


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How to Cite

Stojanović, D. (2012). Paradoks postljudskog tela u polju zazora: od potvrde falogocentričnog Simboličkog do obećanja trangresivnog prestupa i nazad / Paradox of Posthuman Body in the Field of Abject: from Confirmation of Phalogocentric Symbolic to Promise of Transgressive Tres: Dragana Stojanović. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (1), 55–60.