Call for Papers, No. 35, October 2024


The Editorial Board of AM Journal of Art and Media Studies invites all potential contributors to send their proposals for issue No. 35/October 2024.

AM Journal is structured in four sections: Main Topic, Beyond the Main Topic, Artist Portfolio, and Book Reviews. Only the first section, which is also the central one, is predefined by the issue's main topic.

The main topic of issue No. 35/October 2024 is Literary Images.

The guest editor for this issue is E. Murat Çelik (Department of Philosophy, Ankara University, Turkey).

This special issue focuses on the theme of Literary Images. As scholars specializing in aesthetics, we grapple with the influence of art in its capacity to elicit, provoke, and reshape our comprehension of the world. Within literature, this enigmatic influence is most acutely experienced in the realm of imagery. Words, apparently unassuming sequences of symbols, possess the unique capability to evoke mental images. In the act of reading, the reader consciously constructs and cognizes these images in his/her mind.

This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted phenomenon of literary images. We encourage scholars from diverse perspectives to investigate questions such as:

  • What defines the nature of a literary image? Is it a mental depiction, a conceptual model, or something else entirely?
  • How do literary images relate to their linguistic medium? Do they emerge solely from the arrangement of words, or do they draw upon extralinguistic factors such as shared cultural knowledge or readerly imagination?
  • What cognitive and affective mechanisms underlie the operation of literary images? How do they interact with our perception, memory, and emotions?
  • What ethical and political significance do literary images hold? Can they challenge or reinforce existing structures of power and identity?
  • How do literary images intersect with other forms of imagery, such as visual art, film, and music? What points of convergence and divergence exist between these different modes of image-making?

We welcome submissions that address these questions in diverse and innovative ways. Proposals from scholars working on any period, genre, or tradition of literature are encouraged, as well as those employing interdisciplinary perspectives from fields such as cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, and art history.

Possible topics include:

  • The interplay between metaphor and imagery.
  • The role of literary images in establishing mood and atmosphere.
  • The embodied experience of reading and the generation of mental imagery.
  • The ethical implications of representing specific experiences in literature.
  • The utilization of imagery in distinct literary genres, such as poetry, fiction, or drama.
  • The dynamic relationship between literary images and the reader's imagination.
  • The connection between literary images and visual perception.
  • The historical and cultural contexts of literary imagery.

Potential contributors are invited to submit their full-text proposals of 3,000–5,000 words, formatted according to the Journal's stylistic guidelines, by April 30, 2024, at the latest.

Stylistic Guidelines are available here:

All articles will undergo double-blind peer review.

The issue is scheduled to be published in October 2024.

Please email your full-text submissions and inquiries by email to both the guest issue editor ( and the journal email address:

Guest Issue Editor

E. Murat Çelik