[In]Corporeal Architecture: On the Clothed Body and Architectural Space


  • Danica Karaičić




architectural body, incorporeal space, corporeal space, clothed body, Gins and Arakawa, smooth and striated space


In this paper, I will discuss the clothed architectural body and how it simultaneously experiences and constructs architectural space. For this purpose, I will analyse [In]Corporeal Architecture, an art experiment that I conducted at an outdoor exhibition space called Testing Grounds in February 2018 as part of my current PhD studies in Melbourne, Australia. [In]Corporeal Architecture challenges relationships between the body, cloth and architecture. To address this complexity, I draw on Gins and Arakawa’s book Architectural Body.


Article received: December 18, 2018; Article accepted: January 23, 2019; Published online: April 15, 2019; Original scholarly paper

How to cite this article: Karaičić, Danica. "[In]Corporeal Architecture: On the Clothed Body and Architectural Space." AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 18 (2019): 89–105. doi: 10.25038/am.v0i18.302


Author Biography

Danica Karaičić

Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne, Victoria

Danica Karaičić is a PhD candidate at the Victorian College of the Arts, The University of Melbourne. Her art practice and research are based on a series of spatial experiments focused on the intersection of three skins: body, dress and architectural space. Through her participatory installations, she strives to challenge the existing relationships between these three skins. Her current interest is in the ways haptic senses and movement of the clothed body shape the corporeal experience of our surroundings.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i18.302 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i18.302




How to Cite

Karaičić, D. (2019). [In]Corporeal Architecture: On the Clothed Body and Architectural Space. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, (18), 89–105. https://doi.org/10.25038/am.v0i18.302