No. 14 (2017): Issue No. 14, October 2017 - Main Topic: Sovereignty, Migrants, and Culture

					View No. 14 (2017): Issue No. 14, October 2017 - Main Topic: Sovereignty, Migrants, and Culture

This issue of AM Journal of Art and Media Studies consists of fourteen contributions by predominantly younger theoretical positions, philosophers, and researchers that are all active in the territory of the former Yugoslavia; though they were or are studying, working and living in many different places. The majority of the contributions were prepared and presented in a shorter format at the 2nd International Colloquium on contemporary theory, philosophy, esthetics, politics, society, new media technology, and economics with the title Sovereignty, Migrants, and Culture, organized at ZRC SAZU (Scientific and Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts), Ljubljana, Slovenia, in November 2016. Additionally we invited for this publication a guest, artist and filmmaker Yosef-Joseph Dadoune that lives in Ofakim in Israel to contribute an innovative artistic-critical text on his work. He prepared it in collaboration with artist and writer Mikel Touval.

Sovereignty, Migrants, and Culture aims to present analysis of dispossession, exploitation, coloniality, racialization, and subjugation in order to tackle what is central today to Europe or more precisely to the European Union and the refugee crisis. This is not a crisis provoked by the refugees, but instead the outcome of a management of death conducted for the sake of the biopolitical sovereignty of the EU nation-states, performed through necropower procedures of abandonment, banning, exclusion, and racialization. The interest is to bring reflections of these topics through theory and politics, but also culture and technology, philosophy and esthetics, while not forgetting political positions formed through feminism, queer, black studies, and anti-racist and anti-capitalist political movements, historically and presently.

Gest Issue Editors: Marina Gržinić & Aneta Stojnić

On the cover: Provisional Salta Ensemble, Liminal Sovereignty, 2017
Published: 04.05.2023

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