No. 10 (2016): Issue No. 10, October 2016 - Topic of Issue: Cultural Studies

Being interested in the very wide field of social and cultural practices, relations and dynamics which opens up a vast number of questions on lived, thought and engaged realities, identities, communities and individual approaches, cultural studies draw the attention of numerous writers and thinkers in the contemporary humanities spectrum, thus engaging some very important theoretical issues reflected in art, consumerism, media and the politics of everyday living. The cultural realm thus becomes a contested place of performances and performatives of different identities, postidentities, bodies, texts and motions in flux. Having been immersed in the world of interactive and multiple media realms, the cultural subjects and communities are invited/pressured to produce themselves in the contexts of contemporaneity, however it may be defined, blurring the lines between everyday life, performance, art and media realms.
Have firm lines ever existed?
Focus Issue Editor: Dragana Stojanović
On the cover: Vladimir Miladinović, Record (from the Rendered History Project), 2016